Thursday, May 29, 2008

Civil Engineer from Punjab University

Relationship between Man Woman & Donkey

Relationship between Man Woman & Donkey

Equation 1

Human = eat + sleep + work + enjoy

Donkey = eat + sleep


Human = Donkey + work + enjoy


Human - enjoy = Donkey + work

In other words,

Human that don't know enjoy = Donkey that


============ =========

========= ============


Equation 2

Men = eat + sleep + earn money

Donkeys = eat + sleep


Men = Donkeys + earn money


Men - earn money = Donkeys

In other words,

Men that don't earn money = Donkeys

============ ========= ==

Equation 3

Women = eat + sleep + spend

Donkeys = eat + sleep


Women = Donkeys + spend


Women - spend = Donkeys

In other words,

Women that don't spend = Donkeys

============= =========

To Conclude:

From Equation 2 and Equation 3

Men that don't earn money = Women that

don't spend.

So, Men earn money not to let women become

Donkeys! (Postulate 1)

And, Women spend not to let men become

Donkeys! (Postulate 2)

So, we have...

Men + Women = Donkeys + earn money +

Donkeys + spend money

Therefore... from Postulates 1 and 2, we can


Man + Woman = 2 Donkeys that live happily


Want to reduce weight in a day..!!!

One fat guy - goes to a popular GYM in Bangalore sees an ad for a new gym guaranteeing to reduce anyone's weight by 5, 10 or 20 kilograms on the first day. So he goes and tells them he wants to lose 5 kg.

They lead him into a huge gym with all kinds of ropes and parallel bars and ladders and tell him to wait a minute. He's standing there when on the far side of the gym a door opens and out steps a beautiful girl, with a sign saying "If you catch me, I'm yours." He starts running, and just as he gets close, she starts picking up speed. Before he knows it, he's running all over the gym, up the ladders, down the ladders, across the parallel bars, here and there. And just as he's about to catch the blonde, pop, she disappears through a door. In comes the management who lead him to the showers, and then weigh him. Sure enough, he lost exactly 5kg.

He's back on the street and starts to think. "God, I was so close to catching her. If I had a little more time...

So he races back to the gym and says, "I want to lose 20 more kg.""No problem," says the manager. Again he is led to the large gym. This time he's standing by the door when it opens.

Out comes a Gorilla with a sign, "If I catch you, you're mine."

Conversation over dinner:

WOMAN: What would you do if I died? Would you get married again?
MAN: Definitely not!
WOMAN: Why not - don't you like being married?
MAN: Of course I do.
WOMAN: Then why wouldn't you remarry?
MAN: Okay, I'd get married again.
WOMAN: You would? (with a hurtful look on her face)
MAN: (makes audible groan)
WOMAN: Would you sleep with her in our bed?
MAN: Where else would we sleep?
WOMAN: Would you put away my pictures, and replace them with pictures of her?
MAN: That would seem like the proper thing to do.
WOMAN: And would you let her use my golf clubs?
MAN: She can't use them; she don't like golf.
WOMAN: - - - silence - - -
MAN: Oh Shit.

Writing python scripts with optioned commad line argument

#!/usr/bin/env python
import getopt
import sys
class me:
def __init__(self,*args):
(lst_tpl_opt,args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'d:h:u:e:',['database=','user=','host=','email=','help'])
for tpl in lst_tpl_opt:
if tpl[0] == '-d' or tpl[0] == '--database':
str_db_name = tpl[1] # argument of option -d or --database
elif tpl[0] == '-h' or tpl[0] == '--host':
host = tpl[1] # argument of option -h or --host
elif tpl[0] == '-u' or tpl[0] == '--user':
user = tpl[1] # argument of option -u or --user
elif tpl[0] == '-e' or tpl[0] == '--email':
email_ids = tpl[1] # argument of option -e or --email
elif tpl[0] == '--help':
print HELP # Shows the help text

if __name__ == '__main__':
ins_me = me()

Some intelligent quotes...

  1. Regular naps prevent old age... especially if you take them while driving.
  2. Having one child makes you a parent; having two makes you a referee.
  3. Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!
  4. They said we should all pay our tax with a smile. I tried- but they wanted cash.
  5. A child's greatest period of growth is the month after you've purchased new school uniforms.
  6. Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent.
  7. Don't marry the person you want to live with, marry the one you cannot live without... but whatever you do, you'll regret it later.
  8. You can't buy love. . But you pay heavily for it.
  9. Forgiveness is giving up my right to hate you for hurting me.
  10. Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
  11. Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
  12. My wife and I always compromise. I admit I'm wrong and she agrees with me.
  13. Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others.
  14. They call our language the mother tongue because the father seldom gets to speak.
  15. Saving is the best thing. Especially when your parents have done it for you.
  16. Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Dancing House ( Czech Republic)

The Dancing House is the nickname given to an office building in downtown Prague, Czech Republic. It was designed by Croatian-born Czech architect Vlado Milunic in co-operation with Canadian architect Frank Gehry on a vacant riverfront plot (where the previous building had been destroyed during the Bombing of Prague in 1945). The construction started in 1994 and was finished in 1996.

The very non-traditional design was controversial at the time. Czech president Vaclav Havel, who lived for decades next to the site, had supported it, hoping that the building would become a center of cultural activity. Originally named Fred and Ginger (after Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers - the house vaguely resembles a pair of dancers) the house stands out among the Neo-Baroque, Neo-Gothic and Art Nouveau buildings for which Prague is famous.

On the roof is a French restaurant with magnificent views of the city. The building's other tenants include several multinational firms. (The plans for a cultural center were not realized.) Because it is situated next to a very busy road it depends on forced air circulation, making the interior somewhat less pleasant for its occupants.

The Piano House ( China)

This unique piano house was built recently in An Hui Province, China. Inside of the violin is the escalator to the building. The building displays various city plans and development prospects in an effort to draw interest into the recently developed area.

Kansas City Library ( United States)

Kansas City Library has one seriously cool faƧ¡¤e. Local residents were asked to nominate influential books that represent kansas city, humungous versions of the winning nominations were then used as the exterior of the library car-park.

The Robot Building ( Thailand)

The Robot Building, located in the Sathorn business district of Bangkok, Thailand, houses United Overseas Bank's Bangkok headquarters. It was designed for the Bank of Asia by Sumet Jumsai to reflect the computerization of banking; its architecture is a reaction against neoclassical and high-tech postmodern architecture.

The building's features, such as progressively receding walls, antennae, and eyes, contribute to its robotic appearance and to its practical function. Completed in 1986, the building is one of the last examples of modern architecture in Bangkok and has garnered international critical acclaim.

The Blue Building ( Netherlands)

The borough of Delfshaven, Rotterdam, asked Schildersbedrijf N&F Hijnen to come up with a plan for a block of derelict buildings, which will eventually be demolished. The agreement with the neighbourhood is that the block will remain blue as long as there isn't a new plan for the area.

This was once one of the most unseen blocks of houses in Rotterdam, and by applying a layer of only 2 micron of blue paint onto it, it became Rotterdam's most photographed one.

The Astra House ( Germany)

The strange building is actually a brewery in Hamburg, Germany. The floors can move up or down on it's skinny column core. As of now, the unique building has been destroyed. One of it's more famous beer brands was recently bought by a big refreshment corporation. And that beer brand was called Astra.

The Crooked House ( Poland)

Polish architect of the Crooked House, Szotynscy Zaleski, was inspired by the fairytale illustrations of Jan Marcin Szancer and the drawings of the Swedish artist and Sopot resident Per Dahlberg. The most photographed building in Poland, the 4,000 square meter house is located in Rezydent shopping center in Sopot, Poland.

Sam Kee Building: six feet deep, world's thinnest ( Canada)

The Sam Kee building is situated at

8 West Pender Street

. It runs from the corner of Pender and Carral to the lane at the halfway point of the block. It is two storeys tall and 1.5 meters (six feet) deep. The story behind the building is as exotic as the structure with several intriguing twists and turns included in its telling. The City of Vancouver provided the original owner, Chang Toy, with a challenge when it expropriated all but two meters of his property as part of an expansion of

Pender Street

. No compensation was provided to its owner who was left with what most believed to be a useless property. In a creative turn of events fuelled by spite and some say a bet an architect was hired to design a building to fit the remaining property. The rest is history in more ways than one.

This building was home to 13 businesses at one time. It was the only place in Chinatown for residents to enjoy hot baths. There is a tunnel beneath the building that was used as an escape route from raids on Opium dens situated on neighbouring Shanghai Alley. The building is also fronted by the only remaining glass sidewalk in Chinatown. As part of the ongoing history of this structure, issues still arise between the owners and the city with respect to encroachment and overhangs. In spite of each side having an element of right it seems to boil down to the proverbial "tit for tat". It makes for an interesting study in civics.

History Mystery


Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can.


Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head

Now it gets really weird.

Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln .

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Linc oln , was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.


John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln , was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.


Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Now hang on to your seat.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.'
Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford.'

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

And here's the kicker...

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe , Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.


Creepy huh? Send this to as many people as you can, cause:
Hey, this is one history lesson most people probably will not mind reading!



1) Fold a
NEW PINK $20 bill in half...


2) Fold again, taking care to fold it exactly as below


3) Fold the other end, exactly as before


4) Now, simply turn it over...


What a coincidence! A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all $20 bills!!!


As if that wasn't enough. Here is what you've seen...

The Pentagon on fire...


The Twin Towers.

..And now .. look at this!



It gets even better!! 9 + 11=$20!!

This is too interesting to pass up!

Pass it on to your friends who have nothing to do.